Friday, September 11, 2009

Actually no, you would not die

You would just want to if someone in your family died. My nana showed me that old people can will themselves to death but I don't think kids can. I tried really hard and it didn't work. 

I have been waiting for college forever. Or since September 12, 2001 when I had to listen to other kids talk about their parents.  This is the best part of college. Not having to deal with people living with their parents, not having to go to people's homes and run into their parents, all that. 

In 2002 9/11 was still a big deal. After that people were over it.  I mean, the people it didn't really directly impact.  We are pretty jaded here. So even the people who watched the towers fall (not on tv), even the people who had uncles or cousins or neighbors who died? Over it. I don't think anyone other than my assistant principal and a few friends at high school knew about my family, because I could tell nobody wanted to hear it. Nobody wants to have to respond to it. 

The majority of people at my college aren't living at home finally. It's a little weird to watch - some people act like they were just let out of a cage. I bet in the month of September there are more piercings and tattoos than in any other month. It's kind of funny what people will do just to see how it feels to do whatever they want without parents giving them a hard time. 

Except it's not so funny today, when I had to listen to people say the only reason they considered not going to a school in Manhattan was having to deal with 9/11 memorials and how they're probably going to have to listen to somebody's sob story about where they were that day, or that someone got asthma for a couple of months because of the collapse of the buildings.  

It wasn't so funny to listen to people ask "How hard is it to run down a few flights of stairs? Maybe they should have used the stairmaster more often." Yeah. Because my mom could afford a gym membership. My mom had time to go to a gym where her three daughters couldn't go, to work out. Why don't you go walk down 100 flights of stairs while it's dark and smoky and you're scared for your life? See how well you do.  It wasn't so funny to listen to the two girls today saying it'll be just their luck to joke about the deaths from 9/11 in front of some 9/11 widow. I almost tapped one of them on the shoulder and introduced myself. It wasn't so funny when they said it was so sad that hot firemen died. Yeah, because I really gave a shit that Topher was hot. Because his only like, worth, as a person, was thanks to his hotness.  

I guess it makes sense if something doesn't affect you maybe you don't want it shoved down your throat. There are 49 other states. Go to one of them if you don't want to deal with 9/11 memorials on the anniversary.  Even though you're a bitch I will give you a little hint. Jersey's probably going to be pretty heavy on the 9/11 stuff too. 


miSz tUna said...

Those girls are being SUPER insensitive. and yes, very biatchy. Ignore them. Some people just can never put themselves in other people's shoes, until they go through something similar.

Despite anything, I think you can be proud of the fact that, although your loved ones were gone, parts of them are still here.

You're a strong person. You've lived in less years than I have, and yet you've gone through so much more. Be proud of that.

I'm terrible at ending a message. So, I guess, take care always.

Unknown said...

such insensitive idiots..ya just leave it..
one thing i must say, u have been very strong n come all this way..
whatever comes i know u'll be able to deal with it..
u r living alone happily with ur sisters n josh now (free from that smoky place).. i am happy for u..
take care!

Anonymous said...

People are often ignorant and idiotic. It stinks. Anything that makes this day even harder for you stinks.

How old was your brother? On what floor was your mother? Was she working there?

Anonymous said...


I thought of you and your sisters this morning when I woke up. It sucks having to hear that kind of crap from idiots who have no clue...maybe an educating moment is called for if you're up for it. There are many of us that don't "know" you personally but are so very very proud of you.

Thinking of you and wishing you well today sister.

Lots of love,

Zephyr said...

I thought about you this morning, a lot.

I'm from Indiana so none of this really touched me directly. But in getting to know you through your writing, I have a more realistic view of how it affected you and others. And I have more reason to remember what happened 8 years ago.

I don't feel sorry for you, but I do thank you. In sharing your stories, you gave me an ability to see what I wouldn't have otherwise. I feel sorry for those girls who can never see beyond themselves.

You have been through hell and back, and you've become a person that your mother and brother would be very proud of.

thordora said...

People are assholes. I've called people out on their shit before like this, because they deserve it, and not my tears.

I hate that you're hearing this from people. You're this awesome incredible person I've been lucky to run into online, and damn, I want to kick these people.

Death is never real for people until it is. And it sucks.

I'll be thinking of you today, and every other crystal blue day.

Anonymous said...

You surely would have been the wise person you are anyway, but your unfortunate circumstances no doubt had a part in shaping you to be this way. In a way it's a shame you don't get to be ignorant and bitchy and carefree like the people you describe as having been saying those things that weren't so funny.

Regarding your financial situation, did you and your sisters as dependants of someone murdered in the terrorist attacks not receive the reparations money from the government that so many widows and others received?

JerseyGirl said...

"Death is never real for people until it is. And it sucks."

I absolutely agree with thordora's comment about death. People choose to be ignorant and flippant about death and when someone close to them does die they do not know how to handle it. I feel sorry for these individuals that live in a world of ignorance and for that day when a death does occur to someone close to them. Maybe then they'll think back on their jokes/words/comments about death and 9/11 and regret it.

And yes it is a sad day for us too in NJ, especially in the northeast. Many cities were affected by the deaths of their citizens on that day. I will always remember that day, where I was, what I was doing and being able to see the effects.

Thinking of the three of you today and know that your family, mother, brother and grandma are proud of you and your sisters. You have come a long way and will go very far in life. I know this just through your writing :-)