Monday, September 7, 2009

One day, one job

There's no school tomorrow because of Labor Day so when Arnie asked on Saturday if I can work on Monday for a while I said yes. Josh is bummed out because he said he'd wanted to hang out with me but I already felt guilty for not working at the diner that I had to say yes to Arnie. It is so hard to go to the diner. Everyone distrusts everyone else, nobody backs anyone up anymore, and the owner is not doing anything.

This morning a table of six walked out after eating without leaving any tip. The waitress went apeshit when she realized and was so loud in cursing them out that her other tables were offended and I think some of them left her lower tips for that than they otherwise would have. Then she just gave shittier and shittier service. At one point I was going around refilling coffees and one of her tables asked me for something and flat-out told me they were afraid to ask her in case she spit in their food.

Mushroom and pepper omelette, toasted bagel, fruit salad
cup of tomato soup, two saltines, honeydew
Fire family dinner:
chicken and tomato bruschetta, alfredo seafood fettuccine, with awesome zabaglione for dessert

At dinner, the guy's parents were there from Florida. When we first walked in he told us he apologized in advance for his mom, it was funny. The man was totally deaf and the woman was totally old and like weird. I don't know how to explain it. She had really old-fashioned values and asked us a lot of questions. She hated every answer she got. Literally every answer.

Old lady to Alex: How old are you dear?
Alex: Almost 12
Old lady: that's nice, and what form are you going into?
Alex: I'm going into 8th grade
Old lady: sixth?
Alex: no, 8th
Old lady: when I was your age I was in 6th grade
Alex: that's nice, did you like school?
Old lady: why aren't you going into 6th grade?
Alex: um because I already finished it?

Old lady to Danielle: you're a very pretty girl
Dani: thank you
Old lady: And you're being nice to the boys?
Dani: um sure
Old lady: because you'll want to think of your future
Dani: sure I do

Old lady to me: and what form are you in?
Me: college freshman
Old lady: and do you have many dates?
Me: I have a boyfriend
Old lady: you already have a boyfriend? when I was your age I dated a different boy every week, I was very popular with the boys
Me: (so, you were slutty?) I found one I like, so for now I'm sticking with him
Old lady: and does your sister accompany you?
Me: where?
Old lady: on your dates!
Me: no, they have their own lives...
Old lady: smushes her mouth together and looks at me disapprovingly. I get the impression she thinks I'm slutty.

1 comment:

miSz tUna said...

I'm seriously laughing at the dialogues. I suppose the man was right in apologizing in advance?