Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sliding by

I always felt justified in not going to school on 9/11 until I got scholarships and funding for college because of it. All of a sudden it felt wrong. Danielle didn't want to go to school yesterday but Alex did. I invited Danielle to come to college for the day. Anyone who thinks colleges have good security should think again - Dani marched right into my classes with no problem. She even answered a question in my biology lecture (she got it right).

When I left to go to work, Danielle left saying she wanted to go wander around the city. At work I got a really deep paper cut on my middle finger. When I opened the first aid kit to get a band aid I remembered that my mom and nana got in a fight once when we went grocery shopping. Danielle was a tiny baby, so I was like three or four. I wanted my mom to get me bandaids with a fun character on them and she did, and my nana yelled at her for wasting money. My mom yelled back that it's bad enough someone needs a bandaid, they should get something fun out of the experience. They were going back and forth and I was just standing there watching, hoping my mom would win and I'd get the good bandaids.

They got so loud that it woke Dani up and my mother told her "Don't worry, we're still getting them," and Dani settled right down and fell back asleep. I can't believe I'd forgotten all about that. On the way home I stopped in a Duane Reade and bought fancy bandaids. I am wearing one now. It makes me very happy.

At home there were flowers from Josh's parents. They were delivered during the day and Josh told me he was really relieved they came with a vase because otherwise he wouldn't have known what to do with them. Then I shocked the hell out of him by pouring out the water and taking the flowers out to cut the bottoms of the stems. He thought I was killing them. But I just wanted to separate them out so we could have flowers in more than one room.

I sat on a kitchen counter and gave Josh step-by-step instructions on how to make dinner. All I did was set the table, but he did everything else. He was so proud of himself for making dinner by himself that before he'd sit down to eat he called his mother to tell her. Then he had to ask her to hold on while he asked me what it was all called. Chicken paillard with pasta that has fresh white corn, heirloom tomatoes and cheese. Danielle went to Little Italy and got rainbow cookies for dessert.

Last night I slept with flowers in my bedroom. This morning they weren't dead when I woke up.


miSz tUna said...

In my class, everyone knows one another, they just have to, because there's only 21 of us. For sure a stranger'd get noticed. Besides, there's the matric card thingy that we muct wear? So Those without matric cards obviously do not belong.

That's a nice gesture, the flower. I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 4 years and no one has given me any flowers yet. Oh well. I guess I don't look the type who likes flowers?

Amber Lee said...

What is a matric card?

I wish I lived in a place where we could get inexpensive fresh produce. Sadly, we have only expensive produce at our grocery stores.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got the lovely flowers, and that josh is learning to cook:)

have a good week at school.
