Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So I think I got fired

Between classes this morning I called the diner to give two week's notice. I couldn't wait until I got to work because the owner usually leaves before I get there after school. He asked if I was really sure this was what I wanted to do. Yes, I got offered a job that pays significantly more that works better with my school schedule.

He freaked out and yelled at me that I've been doing a terrible job and all the waitstaff complain about me every morning after I work for screwing up the seating and he is always trying to balance the register after my shifts. This makes no sense because I have NEVER been told of any complaints and nobody has ever told me I screwed up the drawer or the checks.

Then he said that since I was saying I wasn't coming in, he was firing me. I told him no, I was just giving notice and would be there tonight and for the next two weeks. He screamed at me that I shouldn't come in, he was firing me for doing a terrible job.

"You are so full of shit, Gus! You can't even choose which reason you want to fire me! If it's for screwing up the drawer, you should fire yourself for being such a bad boss as to let somebody keep working day after day when they're doing a bad job." I was so pissed I was yelling at him, and people walking by were looking at me.

So I am not sure if I quit or got fired but I definitely don't work at the diner anymore. He better pay me for the hours I've already worked.

I called the mother of the reading boy and left a message asking if she wants me to come by tomorrow. Hopefully she will say yes because now I have no work for the rest of the week except at Arnie's office. I almost don't know what to do with myself being home so early.

Updated at 1:16 am: Here is what I wound up doing with my surprise extra time:
- blogged before midnight (see above)
- bought another dozen eggs
- threw out garbages
- did homework outlines in the dining room while watching tv
- set the table for dinner
- was home when my sisters got home from school (which never happens ever)
- helped Danielle study for a test
- ate dinner at home with everyone else (also never happens)


Lala said...

it's obvious by the stories you've told that he's a crappy boss. I used to own a restaurant and if what he's saying is true you would have known. sounds like a toxic environment and i'm glad you're out of there.

I thought about you and your sisters a lot this week

uberimma said...

Holy cow.

So glad you are out of there.

miSz tUna said...

Oh wow? What's up with him?, your ex-boss, I mean.

Well, I suppose, Josh might be able to get his anticipated date with you after all?

tami said...

Okay, Gus AND the diner can totally suck it. What horrible, horrible people. You're lucky to get out.

Lil'Sis said...

He made it easy on you to make your decision then...good riddance, a good employer would take the 2 weeks, especially after all the good work you've put in, and Lala is right, I've worked in F&B before, if there had been complaints you'd have known about them long ago.

Glad you had some free time, hope you and Josh get a date now:) and good luck with the tutoring!

Amber Lee said...

The great thing is that it was a high school job. People will be glad you have experience in working with people, but no one is really going to care that you left on bad terms. In 4 years, it will be one line on a resume that barely gets read