Friday, November 13, 2009

I wonder how long it takes

for it to stop being weird to live with a boy. Or maybe Josh is just more difficult than other boys? Or maybe I just don't adjust well to change?

Josh told me that he was going to start dinner and realized he needed to run to the corner store for something. When he headed out Alex said she wanted to go with him so he waited for her. Josh told me tonight that as they left the building and started down the street, Alex took his hand. Then he looked at me. Because Alex wanted to hold his hand.

Seriously? I mean, what the fuck? That's what I said to Josh because I can't deal with this. He really needs to unclench. We have lived together our whole lives. My little sister has been treated like a baby for her whole life. She still holds hands sometimes. This has to be okay with him. There is no other way to deal with it. He has to find a way to be okay with this. If he feels like he's a pervert or people are looking at him like he's one, then that's on him. He needs to get over it.

It's not reasonable to tell Alex she can't hold hands with people.


NorthBayGurl said...

Perhaps there is a little different scenario.
Maybe Josh felt like he was usurping your & Dani's places by letting Alex reach out to him (especially in light of the juicy sweatpants thing)

Anonymous said...

Whatever Josh's feelings are about this, maybe they should be accepted as his feelings and not summarily dismissed, should be respected because they are his feelings whether they seem rational or not and because whether he is uncomfortable does matter.

You, Josh, and Alex can then work together to figure out what might satisfy everyone's needs within everyone's comfort level and personal boundaries. In the process, the reasons behind some feelings might come to light and be better understood by all and perhaps even get resolved.

Also, in today's climate it is common for men to hold back in public from being physically close with children because of fear of being suspected of doing something inappropriate.