Friday, December 18, 2009

Off day

I'm totally feeling like Ice Cube right now, that's how good a day it was. Didn't wake up until 10:23 this morning. Then? Did I rush to shower and get dressed and grab breakfast to get out of the house in 25 minutes? No. I. Did. Not.

I went to lay on the couch and watch an hour of MTV. Have you seen Jersey Shore? Those are the types of people I go to school with. Then I made a bunch of blueberry pancakes and another bunch of banana pancakes. The banana ones were better, so I left the blueberry ones for somebody else to eat. I may have made a banana milkshake to have with my banana pancakes too.

Josh and I went to work out together. I never went to the gym with a boy before. It was kind of fun even though we didn't use the same machines a lot of the time. There was bubble bathing today. It was the second bath I've taken since moving in here. Right after I'd gotten in the water Josh poked his head in, told me I forgot something, and came back with a towel to put behind my neck. Soooooo good.

After the bath (which I really need to do more often) Josh and I played Wii for a while until my sisters got home. He asked if we wanted to go ice skating so I changed into real clothes and we went to Rockefeller Center. Then we had appointments at Bliss Spa - I was able to get pedicures for me and my sisters with the gift card Arnie gave me. Josh got one too, which Alex thought was hysterically funny, which all the spa people thought was hysterically funny.

When it was over I was about to put my socks back on when I realized they were all gross and sweaty from ice skating, and I felt bad, like I was about to ruin all that pedicuring that just happened. Josh pulled out four pairs of socks for us and I was like "Thank god for having a fancy boyfriend who knows how to do fancy people things properly!"

Then we went out for chinese food at the most fancy chinese place I've ever been to, so thank goodness Josh told us to dress nicely when we were leaving for ice skating (and said he was paying). Then we came home and made a slew of eggnog and ginger based cookies and brownies.

I ate a ton today. It will be a miracle if someone can roll me out of bed tomorrow, but it was sooooooooo worth it!


Steph said...

I was smiling the whole time while reading your post. What a wonderful day! If anyone deserves it, it's you Sam. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a day off!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a fabulous day!
Merry Christmas to You ,Your Sisters and that wonderful boy Josh.

Anonymous said...

oh and p.s. really ? the kids at your school are like jersey shore?
kinda don't think of you at all in that way!jk its so obvious you're a class act.

miSz tUna said...

Everything sounds lovely. We baked some ginger cookies too last night and it felt good ;)
No, we don't celebrate christmas. It just feels good to bake at this time of the year..
Have a good day..