Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How sick is done

Becca apologized, and asked to talk about our fight. It is very hectic right now so I couldn't really talk but we're going to be okay I think.

Last night Danielle went to bed before 10 pm. Around four in the morning Josh was poking me. Dani was in our room, saying, "I'm hungry but my belly kind of hurts." I didn't really know what to do with that. If my belly hurts the last thing in the world I want is food. But I said okay and started to get out of bed. Danielle began walking out of our room, made a weird choking sound, and then puked all over our floor. She started crying, and was all, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

It was so fucking gross. Josh was like, "Now I want to puke." I did too. I was throwing puke-soaked paper towels into a garbage can. At first Danielle was helping me clean up and then she stood up and ran towards the bathroom. She didn't make it. That was when Josh got out of bed to help. Um yeah. Seven pukes later ...

This morning Alex came and sat on the bed and said Danielle was still sleeping. I ran in to look and she did not look good at all. It looked like Dani had two black eyes. And I know this will sound nuts but I swear it seemed like she had lost weight overnight.

While I was in there Josh came in, took a look at Danielle, and said, "Woah, not a pretty picture in here." Danielle cried, and I knew for sure she was really sick. So I called her school, left a garbage can near Dani's bed in case she needed to puke, and a drink and a bowl of crackers.

Back in the bedroom to get dressed, Josh was giving me looks. Turns out he felt I should stay home all day to fuss over Danielle. "Total waste of time. She's just going to sleep. At some point maybe she'll get up and go sleep on the couch."

Josh disagreed. "What if she needs something? What if she just wants someone because she's not feeling good and it would make her feel better?"

I glared at him. "What you're describing is a MOTHER. A stay at home mother whose entire life revolves around her children, who sprang forth from her loins. Not me. I have school and work." Danielle is fifteen. She's feverish and pukey. She knows how to take tylenol and drink a lot of liquids without supervision. Hopefully she knows how to puke into the toilet now."

Josh shook his head at me. We left for school. Around noon I called Danielle and woke her up. She'd puked a couple more times. Called again after school. Alex answered the phone and sounded strangely happy. Everything was great! Dani is sleeping! It was weird, but I didn't have time to deal. Called a third time on my way home from tutoring. Again Alex answered Dani's phone. When I told Alex I was going to stop at the store for ginger ale and stuff, Al said no. Just come straight home.

When I get there, Alex is waiting for me at the door with a huge smile. She takes my messenger bag, grabs my hand, and drags me towards the kitchen. "Look who's HERE!" Aaaaaaand there's Laurie, in the kitchen. I was so shocked I just said, "Hi," and then stood there like an idiot while Alex and Laurie beamed at me.

Turns out while Josh was on the way to school (he takes a cab if he's not walking - almost never uses mass transit) he called his mother about Danielle. Who dropped whatever she was doing and immediately went to the store to stock up on sick-supplies, and then came over to fuss all over Dani.

I went into her room, and Danielle looked all clean. Her hair was in french pigtail braids and she seemed a little less pukey. She was sleeping so I started to leave, but then went back. Yup, Dani's toes were painted.

In the hallway Alex was practically bouncing - waiting to ask if I smelled the soup Laurie was making, if I saw the jello she'd made, wasn't it great of Josh to call and ask her to come stay with Dani? It was really great of her. Obviously I'm a terrible person for not being thrilled about it.


Anonymous said...

I hope Danielle feels better soon!

I can totally understand if you're not OMG grateful about it- you'd already worked everything out. But it was still really nice of Josh.

OTRgirl said...

I can relate to not being thrilled. If I were in your shoes, I'd be thinking something like: Yeah, but who was there to fuss over you when you were 15, sick and scared? No one. You sucked it up and dealt. In a weird way, it's not FAIR that Dani gets a 'Mom' to come in and take care of her. Very nice of Josh and Laurie, yes, but...

HDVixen said...

And Anonymous and OTRgirl hit the nail in the head.
But "don't look a gift horse in the mouth' comes to mind. Laurie is exactly the mom you described to Josh and that is exactly what Josh is used to.
Seems like another cultural difference between the two of you, now as your life is.
Before 11Sept, how were things when you were sick? If your Mom couldn't be there for you, was your Nana? Or Topher?
I don't mean to be asking hard stupid shitty this-isn't-the way-life-has-been-since 11Sept questions that could upset you.
I guess I'm saying it seems like you get angry when you feel that the post 11Sept control and independence that has been established based on your loss, and that no one (no one no one no one) can relate to, is put on a different track by people who genuinely care for you and your sisters.
And while aunt elaine sucked sucked sucked (and then some) at fussing over you when you were 15, scared, and sick, can you find it in your heart to be thankful to both Josh and Laurie for their help and care and concern?
(Sometimes I feel that my comments are too harsh. I don't mean them to be.)
I hope Dani is feeling better.

HDVixen said...

Oh yeah
You are a really great person.
(I don't care what you say about yourself sometimes.)