Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Playing and priorities

Josh brought his Wii over to live here and I am not sure he even got dressed at all today because he played it all day, the day before his first day of college. I need to learn how to play better. Alex played most of the day, Danielle played for like four hours straight tonight.

He also brought over a waffle maker from his parent's house. We may have had waffles for dinner. I'm going to make them for breakfast tomorrow too. This is the first time in our lives when I won't have to leave for school before my sisters anymore, and Danielle said she's really happy we can eat breakfast together now. It is very possible we will eat waffles every morning.

I found out something a little scary. Josh's parents are giving him $200 a week for food, and $200 a week for allowance. So they're giving him more money each month than I pay in rent. My sisters and are three people and we spend less each week on food than one boy. Or at least, less than one boy is given. How insane is that? I have always known Josh's family is really well-off. Every once in a while though like when I find out things like this, it shocks the hell out of me and I freak out that we're together.

Recently I read this article that said racial differences are less of an impact than socio-economic differences. So a rich black person and a rich white person will have an easier time getting along than a poor white person and a rich white person. It is SO TRUE! Like a million times a day Josh is putting out, "Let's just get ..." and I'm putting out, "That's a total waste of money to ..." At least Josh and I are getting better about being nice when we bump into these moments. Like when he said something to me about what I wear to bed and how it's not what most girlfriends would wear to go to bed with their boyfriends and have I considered wearing something other than just taking off my jeans or skirt and wearing whatever top I wore all day? I think as Josh was saying it he realized my face was getting dark and he kind of got timid towards the end of his question. How much can lingerie possibly be a freaking priority in my life?

Breakfast: strawberry/banana smoothie
Snack: donut at work
Snack: polenta with tomato and mozzarella
Dinner: waffles and fruit salad


miSz tUna said...

That's what I heard too, like, plenty of couples go their separate ways due to financial issues?

Either having too much or not having enough, the issue is still money.

I suppose it will take time for both of you to adjust to each other's financial condition?

thordora said...

Oh no-if the boy wants lingerie, he buys it. And I make sure I find the MOST expensive nice stuff I can. To make the point.

THe money thing can be hard-but if he's never had to be careful, it's likely difficult for him to see from your perspective. Challenge him to spend less for a few weeks and save up for something nice maybe-try and get him to see the value of the dollar?

I hate money. Sigh.

Amber Lee said...

Um lingerie is a once a month thing...maybe. You wear whatever you want to bed. I have always worn a tee and boxers.