Friday, October 2, 2009

Maybe I'll just be a really good aunt

I hope my sisters never ever find out I have this blog. It's really like the only secret I've ever purposely kept from them. I also don't want them to know that because of them I think I've decided I don't want kids.


Monica said...

It is completely understandable that you don't want kids now. You've been essentially a parent for 8 years and you started at a much too young age. What you may find however is that as the girls grow up and have lives of their own you get to restart yours. I wouldn't make any "never" statements but I also wouldn't be surprised if you delay the decision until later in your life.

thordora said...

I never wanted kids, and only have mine thru idiocy (i.e. not on the pill). I said at 12 I wanted no kids, and if I hadn't of had mine, I would still want no kids.

I constantly had people muttering "oh, you'll change your mind!", despite the fact that my mind, never did change.

You have sacrificed to raise your sisters. You have lost the most important people in your life. Focus on you, and your wants and needs, and move forward. I can respect that you are feeling as you feel, and likely will continue to do so. Ignore the chorus of "you're too young to say that" which will inevitably some after you.