Thursday, October 29, 2009


My sisters and I love when Josh goes home to his parents. Not only because it's nice to get a break from having a boy around, but also because he always comes back with something random he's stolen from their home. Crock pot? Sure, we'll use one! Blender? Sure, we like smoothies!

Sometimes Josh bring us funny things, like vitamins, an umbrella, or a couple of rolls of paper towel. He kind of goes shopping in their house. I'm not sure if they know. Should I be sending a thank you note? Should I hide things when they come over?


Abby said...

I doubt his parents mind at all. I know plenty of people whose parents have no problem with their kids "shopping" in their kitchens etc. Sounds very much like Josh's parents would be like that.

Amber Lee said...

That's funny :-) by the way, I've cut my grocery bill down by almost half with using a crock pot. It leaves me more money to get snack food?