Saturday, October 3, 2009

Worth the loss of free food

I was really scared about not working at the diner anymore. I was scared Laurie wouldn't really know anyone who needed a tutor. I was scared nobody would hire me to tutor because I'm not a teacher. I was scared I would suck at tutoring. I was scared of not getting so much free food anymore. The whole thing was really scary.

Now that I'm tutoring it's not as scary anymore. I tutor four kids. Probably not the way parents want, but one boy went from getting low 70's to low 90's on grammar tests. His parents probably don't want to know that I taught him this by using curse words. So if you say 'I'm so fucking angry' then is fucking a verb or adjective?

I am really happy to report that there is free food, although not quite diner-level. It's more like organic banana muffins and milk, but that's okay because the money is so much better. In one day (depending on the day) I can earn almost as much as I earned at three shifts at the diner. Plus I'm not on my feet for over five hours at a time. Plus I'm not going in and out a hundred times every hour.

So far only one boy has cried. This fat little Asian boy who is in first grade and can't read. His mother wanted me to work with him for two hours and I told her no, that was too long after he's already spent all day in school. We argued back and forth for a while - I was scared she would say never mind and she would get someone else who would do what she wants, but I talked her down to one hour four times a week instead of two hours twice a week. It's actually less convenient for me especially since I go there on Saturdays, but it would be such a waste to have two-hour blocks.

The saddest part of the whole thing is this boy has a twin brother who can read and a lot of times we can hear the brother playing in another room. I felt so bad for him that I started trying to make everything into a game. He likes the one best where I have all the words he has to learn written out on big pieces of paper spread out on his floor and he has to jump from paper to paper as I ask different questions.

So yeah. Tutoring. Totally a good move.


JerseyGirl said...

As a teacher I agree with you that two hours for a six year old is too much. And it's not developmentally appropriate and really how much would that kid process. You're doing the right activities for this kid and he'll learn to read. I don't know you're major but maybe you should consider teaching lol. Good job!

miSz tUna said...

Sounds like you're good at it, too.

Monica said...

I don't know about what these particular parents want, but it sounds like you're doing what the kids need. You're a very perceptive young woman.

OTRgirl said...

You sound like you have wonderful instincts for how to get each kid to learn.

Snickollet said...

You sound like a natural. I'm glad this is working out for you.