Monday, November 16, 2009

Advantages to having a boy around

1. We eat dinner earlier now because even if I can't get home until 7 or 7:30 Josh will start making dinner if he's home. You'd think my sisters could just start their homework while waiting for dinner but when you're too hungry to concentrate well on what you're doing it doesn't go well. Both of them have told me there's less fighting among them in the evenings.

2. He points things out to me, like that I've been mildly sick pretty much since we moved in, and that I routinely get only four to five hours of sleep each night. Despite not being retarded - I swear - I never noticed this. So for this week bedtime is going to be midnight or 1am at the latest.

3. You know how sometimes it's really hard to open a jar, so you put extra muscle into it and you get it but then your hand hurts for a while? Now, no need!

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