Sunday, November 1, 2009


Dani came home almost in tears. She was on the train standing near a tourist couple who were sitting down. The husband wanted the wife to go up to the front to ask a question. The wife was scared she'd fall trying to stand and walk while the train was moving.

Danielle said the man looked at his wife with total venom and snapped, ""Phyllis, are you an engineer? Exactly. You're not an engineer, you never know anything because you are stupid, but you keep sticking your nose into things you know nothing about. Keep your mouth shut and just go find out for me."

How does anyone put up with being talked to like that from someone who is supposed to be an equal? If Josh ever said that to me I'd pack up my sisters and be out of here so fast his head would spin. How does anyone come to think they have the right to talk to someone that way? Isn't he so embarrassed to be caught being such an asshole in public?


miSz tUna said...

I think that's the problem, the guy never thought he's being an asshole. For me, that's a sign of a true ass hole.

Anyway, You've lived with Josh for quite some time now. I think you'd know better if he ever was that kind of person.

Oh that husband guy is such an idiot!

OTRgirl said...

Having worked with abused kids, I see red flags everywhere. A comment like that is a HUGE red flag about what happens behind closed doors. Sounds like they have a relationship where they've both accepted that power dynamic.

I'm glad you and your sisters know that stuff like that is NOT ok. Unfortunately, there are way too many people who've been battered physically or emotionally as kids who think that kind of thing is 'normal'.

Sam said...

OTR, I wouldn't be surprised if a grownup talked to a kid like that. Teachers are so mean to kids. But two adults are supposed to be equal. Why'd he marry her if he thought she was so stupid?

Lil'Sis said...

It's about power and control a lot of times in situations like that, he picked her because he could control her...starts out not so crazy just gets that way. From a woman who's been there and won't ever do it again, it's easy to get sucked in, brainwashed, and made to believe you are what they say. I'll pray for her, I hope she gets out, I hope he finds help.

I think it happens more than people know.