Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Freshman Fifteen

I didn't actually make Alex eat a stick of butter for dinner. We were having baked chicken and although I always cook it with the skin on for the flavor, normally we all take off the skin before eating. I told Alex to eat hers. Then I gave her nuts and avacado for dessert.

We come from skinny stock. Alex is never going to plump up unless she starts eating like Aunt Elaine. Josh gave Alex toast with Nutella and banana this morning but it looked so good we made him make it for all three of us (and then made jokes about him being our kitchen bitch).

Alex didn't seem particularly upset about it, and even if she got bigger I wouldn't care. I hated how fat Aunt Elaine was because she had all these health problems because of it, took our food, and blamed not being able to do things on her size to get out of them.

I thought our eating might change a lot when I realized how Josh eats so differently from us. We were strict two or three meals a day, with just fruit or veggies for snacks. Josh eats like five meals a day plus pretty much has food accompany every activity he does. "These are my studying jellybeans." "This is my Wii sandwich." But he also shares and we tend to taste once and be finished. It's weird to see how other people do things.

Since moving here I've gained four pounds. But I've also grown half an inch so hopefully I am still in proportion. Probably am.


Anonymous said...

Alex not only comes from skinny stock but also is very active with her dancing and presumably hasn't developed much yet. To her friends, 100 pounds probably just sounds like some significant measuring point, and they can't fathom someone weighing under that. Are you really having her eat more fat now because of what they said? I know you are smarter than that, questioning doctors and making up your own mind and all, so I guess there's probably another reason. Nice friends, by the way, giving her a complex. And why was the teacher publicly announcing her weight? Anyway, there was reason to worry that you all might be underweight before when you weren't getting enough food, but now you are. You all also seemed to drop weight rapidly when ill but are now in a better environment and are sick less often. Oh, but didn't you say recently that Alex was often still hungry after eating and must be going through a growth spurt? Is she growing but not gaining? Or maybe she needs more food to replace what she burns with the dancing but isn't used to eating more? Maybe assure that she doesn't have to worry now about running out of food and if she is hungry she should eat. How tall is Alex now anyway? Good move with the good fats, though, like the nuts and the avocado. Consider fatty fish, too, and specifically walnuts as far as nuts go. Those fats are good also for growth, as is calcium. Maybe a hard-boiled egg for breakfast for both fat and protein? It's really great that you three are satisfied with just a taste of snacks and that you continue your healthful eating. Josh is a teenage boy, and teenage boys often are ravenous because their bodies need it. It's good he's learning from you how to eat healthfully so that he'll be more able to deal when he finds his body won't let him consume so much junk in a decade or so. Your four pounds sound fine, two or three for the extra half an inch and the other pound or two for, again, having enough to eat now.

Sam said...

i wish you had an email address. alex doesn't really have to eat more, no. it was just for a couple of days when we were like still in the moment and joking about it.

I don't think the gym teacher like, yelled it out. One person was weighing people and another was writing it down and somebody overheard and told everyone. The growth spurt thing was like for a couple of weeks. She's 5'3" I think.