Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weighty subject

Alex called me at work after school to tell me that in gym they did height and weight and scoliosis tests. She doesn't have scoliosis. But someone overheard her weight and she was given a hard time about being anorexic because she's under 100 lbs. I looked it up and she's not that underweight and plus I think for her height she's in proportion.

I told Alex to eat a stick of butter for dinner.


OTRgirl said...

In high school I was 5'6" and weighed 110 pounds. People thought I was anorexic all the time (or they thought I was a boy). I just had a high metabolism. As long as Alex enjoys her food and is getting the right nutrients, she's got nothing to worry about. (well except for how sick she'll be after the butter dinner! haha)

HDVixen said...

From all you write, you & your sisters maintain an incredibly healthy diet.
And Alex dances.
It sounds like good nutrition & exercise to me.
You did not say if it was a health care professional, teacher or peer who made the comment, which in my opinion, makes a difference on their opinion.

Sam said...

It was the teacher who said what she weighed and her friends who made jokes.