Thursday, December 10, 2009

Presents are always fun?

Except when you have to figure out what to get for people who already have everything. Josh asked me a few days ago if I would go with him to pick out presents for my sisters. When I said yes, he said I wouldn't be happy with where he wanted to go and made me to promise not to give him a hard time. I couldn't figure out where he could possibly want to go. A sex toy store? What could he want to give my sisters that would be upsetting?

Oh of course. I'm sure the salespeople at Tiffany have never seen any girl so disinterested in being in their store before in their lives. Josh got each of them a necklace and a keychain. I am not going to gross you out with how much he spent, but I will just say that it was more than I pay in a month's rent. And that's not even all he got them - Josh got Danielle a messenger bag and matching Juice Couture scarf, hat and gloves. He's giving Alex a pair of Uggs that are slightly less ugly than their regular Uggs and pajamas (that I also think are ugly but know Alex will love). Josh feels that we all have to have eight presents since we are celebrating Hanukah.

So he said his parents are getting each of us at least two presents (each), which means I'm supposed to give my sisters two presents so they'll have eight for Hanukah, and then also give them Christmas presents? Plus I am supposed to give Josh eight presents, and each of his parents eight presents? Oh holy night! I think my voice got a little shrieky and hysterical when we were talking about it, but Josh said no, I can get his parents one present for the two of them - kids don't have to give grownups eight presents, and that his parents will give him eight so I can just give him one.

It is hard learning a whole other religion plus all their rules for it. I have a better appreciation for what Josh has gone through trying to live with me and my sisters. Josh's parents are throwing a Hanukah party tomorrow night that we are going to, and I am bringing his mom an aloe plant because when I called today to ask what to bring she happened to mention burning her hands from frying food.

Josh begged me to make potato latkes so I'm going to make homemade apple sauce to go with them. Plus I'm giving Josh these pretzels his mom said he likes. I have no idea what to give his dad. When I asked Josh he was no help telling me, "He's a regular dad - he likes dad things." Um hello? Product of a single mother? Alex suggested ties and aftershave but Josh shook his head. "We're not a commercial!" This is outrageously hard. I told Josh to figure out something under $20 and just tell me what to buy. I am totally spending a ton more than I ever have. I don't think I can afford to celebrate both holidays gift-wise. It makes me too nervous to spend so much.


tami said...

I think it's time to clone Josh. ;) Have a great Christmas! I am so happy for you that you and your sisters are so loved by such caring people. Enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Josh is obviously aware of your discomfort with his spending lots of money on your sisters, so you know he's not doing it to impress you. It appears he really considers your sisters to be his family and wants to treat them well and bring them happiness.

I have a better appreciation for what Josh has gone through trying to live with me and my sisters.

This is very insightful.

An aloe plant is a clever Chanukah gift! Maybe music for Josh's father, if they usually have music playing during the parties? You could go to a Judaica store and get a CD of Chanukah rock or klezmer.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and don't foget that Judaica stores will close early today and not be open tomorrow.

While there, you could also see if any books might make good presents for your sisters.

Anonymous said...

For Josh, maybe an electric Chanukah menorah? You still have to use a real one with candles or oil, otherwise it doesn't count as lighting, but he might like it as a decoration. Even stores like CVS have these.

NorthBayBy said...

I am so very happy for you (and yours)! This all sounds like a wonderful celebration of this Holiday season.

OTRgirl said...

I like that you're being treated well, but I SO relate to the stress of buying gifts. Koreans are really into gift-giving and it took me a long time to figure out what was appropriate. My Korean husband was NO help at all, so it was stressful and frustrating. They're YOUR family, you do the thinking, but no...

And having to spend so much is also stressful. I hope you can relax and enjoy the holidays--both of them.

I like that you're making food for him. Sounds like fun. Homemade applesauce is yummy.

uberimma said...

Um, I'm with you--that sounds like overkill with the presents. We're Jewish and our kids get Lego. As in, I have one big box and every night they get a plastic dreidel-full to add to their collections and play with. And a jelly doughnut. Chanuka isn't about gifts and shouldn't be about stressing over them. If it were me I'd bake them cookies and give those but I can see how that's hard--you can't possibly even try to compete though.

Anonymous said...

When you can't compete with expensive, lavish gifts, that's when you come from a clever, thoughtful, pertinent, creative direction -- like the aloe plant!

Josh's way of celebrating Chanukah includes gift-giving, so there's no doing away with that right now. Sounds like Josh worked it out so it wouldn't be too difficult.