Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Totally just us

That's what Alex asked if I realized we were last night. I did. Since we're not feeding Josh and Danielle, Alex and I got lobster last night and cooked it. We made rice pudding. We have played 400 games of Uno and War and hours of Wii. We went ice skating again. This has been the best vacation ever. But I am more than ready for Danielle to be back already.


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds fun! So nice too that the best vacation ever is one spent home doing fun things with a sister. Bet Alex is loving it! Probably pleases her that you are enjoying it so much, you know. What else will you be doing? You never told us how Chanukah and then Christmas went. Hope well! Danielle is gone already? You said at the end of the week.

Sam said...

Dani got invited to stay over during the week before it's time to go. So we're Daniless for now.

We're not really doing much else besides hanging out here. Tomorrow we'll go pick up some books at the library.

The holidays were okay, but I'm glad they're over.