Saturday, January 2, 2010

Kinda embarrassing

but I need friends. I need a group of girls to talk with. My sisters and Josh are great but not enough. Sometimes I need to bitch about them. Sometimes I just want more ... other like, more choices than just the three of them. How do other people who go to school and work have time for friends?

Despite making it a goal to get in bed by midnight ages ago I still haven't been able to do that. I changed it to at least getting ready for bed by midnight but the truth is even if I get into bed at 12:30 I still bring at least one subject of homework to bed.

What would really help is either an extra four hours inside of each day (between 4-6pm) or an extra day and a half each week (between Sunday and Monday would be best). Then I would have enough time for everything. The way things are now it's just doing the absolute least you can get away with doing for each thing and barely having time for them.

Tonight in the shower I was thinking about when school ramps up again and my chest started to hurt. If anyone is going to die of a heart attack before they're old enough to drink it's going to be me.


miSz tUna said...

Hang in there Sam..

For me, I chitchat with people easily, but I don't consider myself a very 'friendly' person. I don't go out for the sake of going out much with friends (an average of, say, once or twice a year) Normally going out with them means, doing my chores, as well as having them doing theirs with me.

I make friends by spending time with them during the time that I HAVE to be with them. Such as:-

1. Having lunch with them during breaks between classes. (I bring my own food from home, and they'd buy food and we'll eat our own food together)

2. Chitchatting while waiting for the lecturers to arrive/end the class.

3. Going grocery shopping together (since right now we live pretty near to each other. This did not happen back when I was in secondary school whereby everyone lived quite far from one another)

4. Doing group assignments together.

5. Texting, facebook-ing, sometimes the odd phone call just to ask "Are you attending class tomorrow kind of thing"

6. Going to the library to get books that we need for assignments/classes together.

7. Sometimes, even going to the toilet together in between classes.

8. A simple surprise birthday celebration (bring cupcakes to class and just eat them together)..


Anyway, just know that, despite anything, you're blessed to have those three people in your life. Take care always and have a good year ahead of you..

HDVixen said...

Aw jeez. I know what you mean about friends. Almost two years ago, I moved back to a very insulated rural area to be with my aging Mom.

I miss the friends I had in the SouthWest desperately (where I felt like is was somebody with an incredibly active life).

The thing I know about good friends is that they let you bitch (vent) about those that you love knowing full well that you love them.

And that bitching (venting) helps prevent chest pains when everything seems overwhelming.

After reading your blog for a long time now, I kind of realize that you (I)are (am)responsible for other people often at the sake of our own best interests and that it can cause conflict with what we want and need.

My New Years wish for you and me and everyone else who needs a friend is that we find a good one.