Sunday, November 11, 2007


My friend Tamika posts on her blog like 40 times a day. She kind of uses her blog like Twitter. She'll shower, then dripping and in a towel, rush to her craptop and post two sentences, then go dry off, get dressed, then post what she's wearing, then finish getting ready, then post where she's going, etc. I tell you this because I feel like I'm posting a lot lately. I'll also tell you I'm wearing jeans, a black waffle shirt with a purple t-shirt over it that has a black star on it, and Danielle's purple paisley socks. But that's not the point of this post.

The point of this post is that Josh came over last night. We went to a few parties and then he said he'd take me home, and when we were a block away Josh said he was hungry. So I just invited him in. And the world did not explode! Aunt Elaine was already in bed and I think that's why it was okay. I think as long as she's already in her room, if she doesn't see it, she won't care.

So Josh came over and I made some pasta and we had a snack and hung out and it was awesome. I know it's a stupid thing but it was just so freaking nice to have somebody over. Josh slept over - Alex was at a sleepover but Dani was here so we slept on the couch in the living room and .... I don't know. I just had so much fun even though we didn't really do anything.

In the morning I went into our room to tell Dani Josh was here so she'd get dressed before she came out, but Josh followed me and was looking around our room. "There's no space to walk without stepping on something." No shit. Josh got all upset about the bed thing and I couldn't even listen to him. I won't believe anyone about helping until they actually walk through the front door with one. Then he got upset that I didn't believe him and we started having a retarded argument until Dani pointed out Josh should leave. And I don't know how she did it, but Dani convinced Josh to take us both out for breakfast, so he did.

And that's how I ate at IHoP for breakfast after inviting my boyfriend over without getting in trouble. The end.


Anonymous said...

Sam, I tumbled into your blog by following a rabbit trail. Have read every word you've posted. And I've often wanted to reply to your posts.

Tonight, I'm finding the courage to.

Bless you, girl.

In the face of adversity that would make others crumble, you and yours are surviving. It's not the way you want it to be, or the way it ought to be, but you do it with grace, care, humor, compassion and strength.

(And I'm sure you're told it's OK to be angry. You have every reason to be. I'm also sure you've been told it all comes down to how you deal with that anger. Bless you again, you're doing just fine.)

For what it's worth, please know that you are in my thoughts and best wishes.

bine said...

that sounds just awesome. i'm so happy for you.