Saturday, September 18, 2010


I have a flu. Got it Wednesday night. Maybe during the day, but when you're running around you don't always notice your throat hurting. There was a test in my math class that I really needed to take so I went to school yesterday. By around 2pm I was so done. I just wanted to collapse. Got soup and went to price a fancy calculator I need. Danielle already has one but we can't figure out a way to share - seems like such a waste of money.

By the time I got home it looked like I'd been punched in both eyes. Went to bed before 8pm. The bad thing about being sick is that you forget stupid things. Twice since Wednesday I've meant to go get cold medicine. Twice since Wednesday I've gone to the drugstore. Here are the types of things I meant to buy: tissues, ice pops, decongestant. Things I've bought: jelly beans, face wash. What the fluck is wrong with me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Sam! Hope you feel better...not swine flu?!