Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What I love about me

  1. I'm super organized.
  2. It turns out there are people who do not know how to clean. Like they literally have no idea how to go about making a house clean. I am not one of those people. Not only that, but I can clean pretty fast.
  3. My french braids are stellar.
  4. I have really good genes that give me very easily defined muscles.
The end.


Anonymous said...

5/ You're responsible and so mature for your age.
6/ You're a great sister.
7/ You're kind and funny.
8/ And a talented writer


Anonymous said...

What anonymous said.

Heidi said...

You are an amazing writer! I linked over to your blog from Snickollet and literally read through all of your archives in the last day. You are amazing. Seriously! If you get a chance, email me. I have a couple questions for you!

Nina said...

You really are a good writer. Like Heidi, I came over from Snickollet and basically read your entire archives in a day and a half (and didn't do my reading for class, oops!) and even back when you were 15, your writing was incredibly compelling.

I agree with anon too. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm closer to the people who do not know how to clean than I am to you. I have some idea, but next to none. And I'm not efficient. How did you learn? Can you write a guide? What have you for instance taught Josh?

Glad you can recognize these good things about yourself. It's a nice selection, attributes of different varieties.

Sam said...

Anon (the most recent one), I clean with vinegar. It only smells until it dries. So if you clean the bathroom, by the time you clean the kitchen the bathroom no longer smells like vinegar. You can put a few drops of vanilla, orange or lavender oil into the vinegar/water mix so those scents will linger. If you google "how to clean with vinegar" you will find a lot of helpful sites.

I have no idea how I learned to clean. Probably from watching my mom and grandma clean.