Tuesday, October 6, 2009


There are rumors about college when you're in high school. Like that you don't have to ask permission to leave the classroom. That one's true. Like that if you do it creatively, you can drop a curse in an English essay. That one's true too, though it may depend on the specific professor.

What's not true is that you can take any class that interests you. You can't. Firstly, there are all these pre-requisites to the interesting classes. Secondly, there are all these core classes that like, everyone has to take, no matter what direction they want to go in, major-wise. So when I thought there would be different people in each class I take, that's not really true. There are some people who are in three or four classes with me.

I am embarrassed to admit that not only does Danielle help me with my biology homework, but she laughs at how easy it is. Ugh and same thing with my math. Bitch is wicked smart. She's going to wind up at like some crazy smart-people school. Like MIT or something.

What's nice is that nobody gives you shit over little things, like how you're dressed. I mean, other kids might, but nobody's going to kick you out of class for a t-shirt or whatever. My college uniform is all my ripped jeans, a tank top and a sweater. One of the girls who is in four of my core classes wears a business suit and every day her hair is up in a tight bun. She hates me because of how I dress and always looks at me disapprovingly and makes little comments under her breath.

Also, as long as you're quiet and neat about it you can eat and drink in classes, which I really like. It's hard to believe some people gave themselves a two-hour break in the middle of each day for lunch. I plow through in as little time as possible.

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