Friday, January 8, 2010


Josh has been gone a few weeks, on a family vacation, and it's been kind of weird. At first I missed him, then we liked being just the three of us, then just me and Al, now the three of us again.

Maybe I'm a terrible girlfriend. Maybe Josh likes me more than I like him. Because I haven't really missed him that much to be honest. Last night though, I felt finished. Over Josh being gone. He can come back now please.

1 comment:

HDVixen said...

I've always subscribed to the "How can I miss you if you don't go away?" mindset.

Having my loved one gone has allowed me time to do what I'd like to do without consideration for their feelings, schedule,etc.

And sometimes I have felt a self-imposed guilt about not missing the returning one as much as I think I should when I'm enjoying my "me & mine" time while they are gone.

Eventually, I found it gave me and the gone one a whole new bunch of stuff to talk about, and new appreciation for coming home.