Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm supporting my family. So what?

There was this episode of True Life on MTV today called True Life: I'm Supporting My Family. I gotta be honest, it kind of annoyed me. They followed two girls supporting their families, to show how hard it is. One girl is from here, in Queens, and has two parents with medical problems and like three siblings. She worked two jobs - one a receptionist, and one at after school care. I can't think of what it's called. At the end of the show, a blurb said she was trying to save up money to go to medical school the following year. If you're going to med school then you've already finished regular college. If you've finished regular college, then why didn't you get a higher paying job?

Then, the other girl - her mother died, and she's taking care of her four siblings. One of whom is a teenager and pregnant. The pregnant teenager's boyfriend also lives with them. Okay first of all, I would fucking stick my hands up into my sister's uterus to pull out the fetus myself and give her a home-abortion if she dared to get knocked up. I am fine busting my ass for the three of us, but there is no fucking way in hell I would let them put more stress on me with a dammed baby. Seriously, I would absolutely force them to have an abortion. Fuck religion, fuck personal feelings. We don't have room for either of those.

But then, this girl keeps talking about her siblings as her kids. Her mother only died two years ago. She seemed to love her mother. You can not replace someone. It just rubbed me the wrong way. Like she'd go out with a guy and say, "Does it bother you that I have four kids?" Of course it's going to bother them! I don't think of my sisters as MINE. I mean, I think of them as MY sisters as opposed to YOUR sisters. But I don't think of them as my children.

Anyway. She kept talking about how since her sister was having a baby (at one point she said she felt like she was about to become a grandmother) she needed to get all these baby things. Like a crib, bassinet, highchair, changing table, stroller, car seat.

Let's talk about this, can we? My mother had four kids. None of us are retarded. All four of us thrived. We had one car seat. I mean, like, my mother had one for Topher, and then later she got one for me and just kept it for like ten years until Alex wasn't a baby anymore. Same with a stroller. She never got a highchair. We sat in her lap or on our own chair to eat. She changed us on the floor or on the bed or couch. We slept in her bed. Whoever was the newest baby got to sleep with her. She had a play pen thing that she put us in when we needed a time out. So basically, you need a car seat and a stroller, but not all the other stuff.

Of course you're poor - you're spending your money on all the wrong things! Also, both girls had teenage siblings but none of them had jobs. What's up with that? Don't tell me "they're concentrating on school." I'm no rocket scientist and even I was able to work and keep my grades decent through high school. The key is, if you're going to get a bullshit high school job, always get one that has some sort of perk or discount. The diner wasn't great, but I got a lot of free meals while I was there.


miSz tUna said...

Perhaps you could write something to the show's producer or something.

Or maybe, since you're a onwderful writer, you could write a story based on your life, with cathcy title, and well, it might sell and you'll get some extra money.

Just a thought.

tami said...

I agree. I've always thought you should write your memoir "so far".

OTRgirl said...

What they said!

You've done such a good job with your sisters. I think part of that is that you DO have healthy boundaries. You've taken on what you had to without becoming co-dependent or a martyr.

Actually, along with the jobs with perks idea, look for classes and make perks happen. I always tried to find 'real' clients that needed what I'd be creating in classes and then used the class as an excuse to build real world experience.

Along those lines and the memoir idea: while taking a web design class, design a public site and start publishing your memoir. You take a writing class, add more for your memoir.

Isabel said...

I know this post is from a year ago, but that show really put your life into perspective.
The stripper sister-wannabe-mom/grandma was a sweet girl, but you're right...no sense of priorities.

Your Mom did the right things with you and your siblings...and that's why you are as intelligent and level-headed as you are. MTV should pay you to film a followup bootcamp with with that chick. It would be really amusing to see you verbally whip her ass into shape.

Anonymous said...

I realize this is an old post, but the thing about college is that is doesn't always guarantee a high paying job. A lot of times you end up in an entry level office job that is not enough to support one person, let alone a family. If you are making above the poverty level, you are screwed.

Anonymous said...

You can't force someone to have an abortion. I like you Sam, but you are so out of line with your comments here.

Unknown said...

I watch that too
I agree, I would be Hella pissed if my teenage sister came home pregnant.no way would I allow the bf to move in. ..only because it's an extra mouth.
I would also demand that they find some type of minimum wage job and contribute to household.