Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Happy Passover!

Shalom Mama,

Just kidding! I am home from the seder and slightly buzzed. And by 'slightly buzzed" I mean "pretty much almost drunk".

I wore the black skirt with the purple sweater and black tights and my Docs and got four compliments (none of them from your daughters), so yay for shopping. Today when I called Craig to cancel shrinkage tonight he reminded me to bring something. Thank god for him because I'd totally forgotten. So I got a plant that has lillies blooming. Josh's mom said it was very pretty and she likes lillies. Yay for that.

Josh's cousin who hugged me a little too long and a little too tight but his sister said he does that to everyone and he's harmless. Even so, I didn't hug him goodbye because it skeeved me out. She didn't hug him goodbye either.

Food? In a word it was fucking awesome. FUCKING AWE-SOME. Guess that's two words. I had soup, tasted some slimy fish (didn't like that), brisket? or maybe it was something else, orange chicken with real mandarin oranges that don't come from a can, these things called kugel - there was noodle and onion and they were both good, asparagus, green bean casserole (that Josh and all his cousins called white trash casserole), and some other stuff. And then there was dessert. Josh cooked this apple matzah pudding thing that was really yummy. Oh, and two of the adults got in a whipped cream fight. Like, right at the table. It was so alternate universe to see grownups acting so silly like that.

Josh's dad sent me home with a LOT of leftover food. I was embarrassed that he was giving me so much but he said that while it's great the first three days, after a while you get tired of it. Not me! This stuff is amazing! I am going to serve some for dinner tomorrow and we will STILL have leftovers.

There's more but I'm going to sleep.
Love and matzah,

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