Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oh, Alexandra!

So as I have said before, Alex's teacher is not the greatest, because she doesn't like Al She picks on her. Other kids can have huge holes in their jeans, but if Alex has a thread hanging from a hem her teacher will comment. Other kids get called by whatever nicknames they want, but Al always gets called Alexandra. If Al's ponytail is messy after recess she'll point it out. If 14 kids are talking and Alex is one of them, she'll be the one to get detention.

Alex came home yesterday with a note requesting a parent conference. She gave it to me, I told her to give it to Aunt Elaine, who told her to give it back to me. I got Aunt Elaine to sign a note to the teacher asking her to talk to me instead and sent Alex to school with that.

She came home saying her teacher didn't like that, and wants to have a meeting with whoever is in charge of Alex's schoolwork. "Tell her to talk to you then - you're in charge of your schoolwork," I told Alex. She didn't like that - it's not what the teacher meant.

I know that. This means that tomorrow I get to rush from my school to Al's to talk to her stupid teacher who I'm sure will hate me on sight. And she'll probably call me Samantha. Joy.

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