Friday, April 30, 2010

Bad food day

It was like I was trying to go through life underwater today. All day I kept trying to do things, and was consistently running late and couldn't move fast enough. I don't know what was wrong with me today but my eating was kind of horrible and I'm disappointed with how much money I spent. Over $10 on food out because I couldn't pull my shit together enough to make breakfast and lunch at home.

Breakfast: Jamba Juice smoothie
Lunch: Slice of pizza, Greek salad
Snack: handful of almonds and blueberries
Dinner: veggie omelet,
Dessert: strawberries and banana slices

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry you had that kind of a day.

Hope the talk with Arnie went well, though.

Do you ever make your lunch the night before as part of cleaning up from dinner?

The list actually doesn't look that horrible, but it's how you feel that matters. Guess you were especially missing your morning protein?

Some days are like that, when even if one has an orange in the fruit basket and a hard-boiled egg in the fridge and a homemade granola bar in the pantry, it's too much even to think to grab them for a breakfast on-the-go.

Do you keep any snacks in your bag?

If it helps, it's good you had a workable if not ideal alternative, you know, instead of going hungry.

Hope you are having a better day today!