Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rolling in Brooklyn

Like a year ago when we were in the old neighborhood, Alex and I ran into a woman who used to know our mom. We were supposed to go back with Danielle and visit and it took us a year to finally do it. Yesterday.

We brought flowers. Lydia kept pinching our cheeks and hugging us. She kept trying to make us eat more. She grilled us on how we make gravy and other Italian foods to make sure we make them the right way. Told me how to make pasta at home from scratch. Told us stories about our mom and grandma. Showed us the clothes she still has that they worked on. Showed us pictures of her grandchildren wrapped in blankets our mother made for them.

I asked if she knew what happened to all our stuff. Lydia thought it went to my grandma. After that? She thought it went into storage, said she specifically remembers people talking about saving things for us. She is going to ask around. I hate the idea that all my mom's and grandma's stuff was thrown away. My fingers are crossed.


miSz tUna said...

All the best in finding those items :)

Anonymous said...

So glad you finally did it! Sounds wonderful. Hope you'll keep going back.