Sunday, December 19, 2010

Southern but not so charming

Today I had my last final of the semester. I have no idea what other people do with their books for college. Is that how grownups wind up having bookcases full of books? So far I have been keeping all the books from my major, and then re-selling the books from non-major classes after I am sure I've passed the class and won't need to re-take it. They're just in a stack in the corner of my closet.

When I was on the way home Alex called me, saying Danielle had two boys over and they were smoking weed in the living room. I got there and found Danielle and her friends laying on the couch watching tv and definitely smoking weed. The house reeked of it. Dani introduced me to the boys. One of them, Rory, had a thick southern accent and looks like he bleaches his hair. He is gay and all jokes aside, kind of cocky. I didn't like him right away. The other boy, Fabrizio was nicer. I asked them to stop smoking and opened a window.

Rory was kind of a dick about that, arguing with me, calling me uptight. I was pissed, and told Danielle to get rid of them. Right as they were leaving, Josh came home. I pulled him into the kitchen to let him know what was going on. Danielle didn't seem to care at all. She's not really all the way better, but has been better enough to hang out with friends I guess. Josh called in a Chinese food order, and sent Alex and Dani to go pick it up.

As soon as they walked out, Josh lit up, took a hit, and passed it to me. We stood in front of the kitchen window passing the joint back and forth. Josh asked me if we were going to play the roles of irate parents or cool older siblings when Danielle came home. I couldn't decide before my sisters got back.

I asked Danielle if she smoked too.

D: Just a couple. 
S: Why?
D: I was home, I watched Fabrizio roll it so I knew nothing else was in it, Alex was here.
S: So you mean you thought it was safe to try now?
D: Yeah.

S: No. When you try you do it with people you're close with, and you don't count on your little sister. You count on someone your age or older. 
D: Rory called and said they left it here by accident. Did you flush it down the toilet or something?
S: No, but you can't give it back.

D: Why?
S: Because Josh and I finished it. 

Danielle laughed. I think it made me more mellow than I would have been if Josh and I hadn't smoked. I think my mother would have said better things to Dani than I did, but nobody said anything to me the first time I smoked and it hasn't totally wrecked my life yet. I have no idea what I'm doing. I am re-thinking it being fine for Danielle and Al to stay home alone during the Florida trip though.


Anonymous said...

Sam,You're always so wise when it comes to your sisters.I really wonder if Alex felt a bit unsafe or unsure having Daniel smoke weed with two guys she's never met.Daniel's going to smoke if she wants too but do you think its good for Alex to be exposed to it when your not around. Daniel doesn't seem as street smart as you are. I could picture you down in Florida and Daniel innocently having a few ppl over and it getting out of hand.OK well maybe I'm over reacting but when I was like 12ish it freaked me out when my older sisters smoked and had guys over. so perhaps its projection. who would stay with them? would they stay at Josh's parents? would Daniel go for that? Sam I have said it manage three lives and your maturity ,insight and intellect is beyond your years.

Anonymous said...

P.S. the mother in me would have said to Danielle "knock that shit off in front of Alex until she's at least a junior and dont have sketchy boys over here without asking me first especially when Alex is home."But I dont know if thats what your Mom would have said.xo

Sam said...

Alex *was* unsure which was why she called me. It wasn't Danielle initiating it, it was the boys, and Alex just felt like Dani didn't have control of things.

They's supposed to stay here themselves while school is in session but I am not really sure now.

OTRgirl said...

It must be strange to think about how much responsibility you had when you were Danielle's age and how you handled it vs how she's handling it. The difference is that she has you. Unfortunately you were forced to jump into a HUGE role and you've made it work. I can't tell you how much I admire what you've done and the amazing balance you find in being in both the sister and parent role. I agree that if Dani can't control the situation, it makes it a bit unsafe for her and Alex. Is there someone who can stay with them or anywhere they can stay? You could put in a webcam and hook up speakers so you could be the voice of God and freak the hell out of them! (but that's just my evil prankster talking...)