Sunday, January 15, 2012

We should do something

This is what Danielle told me when she woke up this morning. Tomorrow everyone has off for MLK Jr. Day. So I think maybe we'll go ice skating first thing in the morning. I bet a lot of other people will have the same idea, but hopefully we'll get there early enough. This is not enough for Dani though, she wants more, bigger. She wants to do something tonight involving staying out late since there's no school tomorrow.  I told her to suggest something since my idea wasn't enough and she wants to go see a movie. This was such a relief - there'd been a moment of panic while she was thinking, and I was worried she'd come out with something huge and expensive and impossible.

Later, Dani skipped up me and announced her friend Tyler is coming with us to the movies tonight. When I looked at her surprised, she told me Josh had suggested she bring someone, like a double-date. Um really? Okay I guess, but it would have been nice if Josh had run something like that by me before telling my little sister to go out and find herself a date.

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