Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Tonight's blog post is brought to you by chocolate banana pudding pie, tv shows about moms, Adele and mothers. We were watching Dance Moms and Teen Mom. I hadn't noticed, but Alex pointed out that the girls on Dance Moms couldn't even go from the parking lot into their dance class without being walked in by a parent.

We both know moms do things that are nice but not necessary. Maybe I know it a little better from Alex because I got a lot more years of momming than she did. Alex's whole life-that-she-remembers has involved being shoved off to go do as much as humanly possible by herself. To her credit, she's always done it.

Any time Alex talks about mothers Josh always gets worried she's going to lose her shit and go off about our mom. She never does. It's not her style. Honestly, I think she was too young. I mean, in the moment, she handled it the worst, but overall, it's phased her the least.

Josh is convinced Alex will blow. Every so often he will give me frantic and meaningful looks behind her back to warn me. It's coming. Now. She's going to cry. Make it stop. But I'm not her mother. It's not my job to rush in and fix everything, even things that don't need fixing because they haven't happened yet. Or ever.

When a real mother mothers Alex, she soaks it up and totally loves it. Josh thinks this is further proof that she's all but crying through the nights for a mother. I think he took one too many psychology classes. Sometimes I am almost tempted to pull Alex aside and tell her to throw a fit about missing our mom in front of Josh, just so he'll relax that it finally happened. Ugh I need more pie.


Anonymous said...

"Alex's whole life-that-she-remembers has involved being shoved off to go do as much as humanly possible by herself. To her credit, she's always done it."

You should totally tell her this.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's really sad.

Mizasiwa said...

I think that all three of you are a fantastic credit to your mother and grandmother - they did a great job and that has filtered down all of you. People who havn't lost loved ones in the way you guys have will never understand how we deal with it no matter how well they know us or how much they love us.