I swear to god I gave Alex the sex talk years ago. Swear. You'd never know it if you joined us for dinner tonight. Since she asked about 40 sex/baby questions all rapid fire. Danielle, the bitch, just sat there quietly eating and smirking. Josh repeatedly choked until he finally excused himself and walked out.
So I sat there not tasting my food while I struggled to explain "the other kinds of sex beside girl/boy" and why men can't have babies, why girls have babies when they could abort them, why sex isn't gross, and on and on. Having to explain the details of gay sex was the hardest part, especially when Alex asked how two girls know when they're done.
After Alex had gone to bed, Josh asked me why I didn't shut her down. "What, and tell her to go ask her mother?" He said it's not really dinner table conversation. "You're right, I will invite her to come talk in my bedroom. That I'm never in except when I'm there with you." Josh finally just flat out told me it makes him really uncomfortable to hear a 12 year old talking about sex. I shrugged. She's in her own home, talking to her older sister. There's really no better time or environment, and I'd rather Alex gets her information from me then from watching porn or asking friends.
When I asked Josh how his parents talked to him about sex he said it was a one-time discussion in total privacy. Maybe that explains why he's so uncomfortable that we don't scoot off to a closed door in a bedroom to talk. I don't know what the solution is. It seems like the more people there are in a family the higher the chances someone will wind up upset.
You did the right thing. I think that the super-private, one-time conversation sets up sex as something to be hidden and embarrassed about. She needs to know she can ask honest questions and get the best answers you know how to give. It's definitely better to know what she's thinking and hear what she's exposed to. That said, if Josh's family kept all that hidden, then it would have been REALLY hard for him, so his reaction makes sense.
You did a great job! Where else is she supposed to go for answers to questions like those?
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