Friday, April 23, 2010

Take your sisters to work day!

Okay, so I know it's really for daughters but Alex asked to come this morning. While I was at school I called Arnie between classes to ask if Alex could come over after school. He said that as long as I felt like all my work could still get done in a timely fashion it was fine with him.

At this point I went to call Alex and realized she might have a point about needing a cell phone. It took like ten minutes to get through to the front office of her school to ask them to tell her not to go home, but to come meet me instead. When I hung up with the front office I didn't even feel sure they'd get the message to Alex. I called my other sister to run over and tell her since both their schools are in the Bronx.

She got the message and showed up with a messy ponytail and papers spilling out of books. I hauled Alex into the bathroom to make her look neater and then we rolled a second chair behind the reception desk next to mine. I taught her how to do the phones and mail, we photocopied our faces, I showed her where the bottles of wine are kept and then it was time to leave and go home.

On the way home Alex asked me why I don't just work all the time since it's easy and I make so much more money now than when I used to work at the diner. I don't think she bought it when I said with a college degree you can get even higher paying jobs. I don't think I did a very good job bringing Alex to work today.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

I don't think that's true. She may not have bought it now, but pretty soon she'll figure out that it's true, and meanwhile through watching you and also Dani she'll see some of the possible stepping-stones. She saw you move from the diner to the office. Maybe in a couple of years you'll have an internship in something related to your major or whatever you want to do in the future, and then she'll see a job can be not just about earning money but also doing something that interests you. I think you did a fine job for the first time.