Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rush hours

6:15 - Get up, shower
6:30 - get dressed, breakfast, pack lunch
7:00 - make sure sisters are up, leave for school
7:35 - return books to library, get hot chocolate, go to first class
11:50 - go work out
1:15 - eat lunch, talk with gay Southern guy whose name I do not know (but I know his boyfriend's name)
2:00 - afternoon classes
3:30 - pick up tutor kid from her school, go to bookstore to practice math
4:15 - stop 15 minutes early because kid is on verge of crying, buy her a biscotti, and take her home
5:00 - get to other Monday tutor kid and laugh through hour of reading with Funniest Kid in Manhattan
6:00 - accept weird cookies that have odd, green hue to them and leave
6:01 - throw out cookies in garbage on the street
6:45 - get home, talk to sisters, get help with math issue not understood in school
7:35 - start dinner by reheating leftovers and making salad
7:50 - eat dinner
7:55 - talk to Laurie about presents for Josh
8:10 - start homework
9:30 - take break by taking shower, change for bed
9:50 - talk to Jackie
10:00 - say goodnight to sisters
10:10 - back to homework
11:40 - break for snack of Asian pear and switch to writing out notes for tomorrow
12:45 - stop for the night, put out clothes for tomorrow
12:50 - remember stuff I meant review tonight that I forgot, write out note to do laundry tomorrow
1:25 - emails
1:50 - blog
2:05 - going to bed
Totally blew that "getting to bed before midnight" plan. Finals are about two weeks away.


OTRgirl said...

You're an amazing juggler!

Yankee, Transferred said...

Just think: when college is over, and your sisters are fully grown, you will be the most relaxed person on earth because you have taught yourself how to be organized. I am in awe.

Mizasiwa said...

Im not gonna lie - IM BLOWN AWAY!!! But I think you may be bored ;-) HOpe you sleep well!

Anonymous said...

I'm tired just reading about your day!!