Friday, December 3, 2010

Maybe I was deprived

Laying in bed reading the little flyer Trader Joe's sends out once in a while...

Josh: whatcha doin'?
Me: reading this. it's like better than porn.
Josh: really.
Me: well okay I've never really watched porn, but ...
Josh: wait really?
Me: I mean, I've like ... accidentally clicked on things and then watched them but ...
Josh: how did I not know this?
Me: I dunno.
Josh: like when you're home alone, you don't even then?
Me: is THAT what you're doing when you're here alone?
Josh: well not ALL the time.
Me: huh.
Josh: you really never have?
Me: no.
Josh: wow you have really been deprived.
Me: yeah, cause that's one of the many services parents provide
Josh: mine did.
Me: shut up.
Josh: they did.
Me: no they did not.
Josh: I'm telling you! They gave me a subscription to Playboy for my 14th birthday.
Me: shut. up.
Josh: you missed out.
Me: I am calling Laurie right now. I don't believe you.
Josh: I'm not teasing.
Me: there is NO way.
Josh: I'll dial for you.

And this is how I came to be talking about porn with my boyfriend's mother at 10:30 at night.


Mizasiwa said...

This is brilliant!! You two are so cute! and funny! I cant believe his parent bought him a subscription to playboy but get nervouse about your sisters!!! Shame man. Hope you guys have agreat weekend!!

Lisa @ Lisa Moves said...

ha! You know, I have given this some thought in the past....once I got the big sex talk (sometime around 9 years old or so), my parents never mentioned sex ever again. Except the one time I was about 15 and my mother was watching a Lifetime movie about some teenager having an abortion and turned to me and said "you know that a boy has to put his little thing in you to get pregnant, right?" while making accompanying jabbing finger motions. Oh, the shame and mortification.

I'd like to be a bit more open than that with my kids. I don't know if I'd be ok with buying a subscription to Playboy...I guess its about the least raunchy porn publication out there, but at the same time, its presenting a 14 year old boy with the unrealistic expectation that naked women's bodies are mostly hairless and like to spend time posing against fences with their legs spread, waiting to be ravished.

Oy. My oldest son is five. I have plenty of time to overthink this.

Yankee, Transferred said...

This made me howl with laughter! I have always been completely open with my kids about everything, but I cannot imagine purchasing Playgirl for them.