Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Something I couldn't live without

This 30 days of truth thing is taking a lot longer than 30 days. I'm skipping the one about a hero letting me down because that's dumb. Just because I like someone's music it doesn't mean I like them as a person. Or, I could think they do great charitable work or whatever, but that doesn't make them a great actor. Or someone's a great athlete but you find out they're a smoker. Nobody's perfect. So that means I'm up to "something you couldn't live without."

There are a few things. I couldn't live without my sisters. Danielle is like the other half of my brain. Alex is pure comic relief. They are such opposites of each other and totally fulfill different purposes. This sounds horrible, like they're possessions and toys. I know they're not. It's just love them a lot and wouldn't be able to get through life without them.

I couldn't stand to live without the city. There are parts of the Bronx and Brooklyn where it can be useful to have a car, but I can't imagine ever living somewhere that requires a car to get everywhere. The idea of walking outside and not seeing people seems weird.

My black sweater. I wear it with everything, it goes with everything, it folds up really small, I love it.

1 comment:

Yankee, Transferred said...

You and your sisters share something amazing. I hope that relationship lasts forever. My 2 sisters and I are as close in our 50s as we were as young girls, and it means the world to me.