Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another vacation

When I got sick this weekend it seemed like the only thing to do was pretend I was Victorian and "take to bed." My sisters weren't allowed in my room because the last thing I wanted was for them to get sick. Yeah, so that lasted for like five minutes. Josh is freaked out when I'm sick; mostly I think it makes him nervous he'll have to do something directly involved in taking care of my sisters. Like he'll have to take them to the gynecologist or something. It's to Josh's credit that he swallowed his fears and shipped me off to the Americas (I can't stop), also known as his parents' house.

Their doorman remembers me from the summer I stayed, and he gave me such a huge grin it made my fever go down a degree. Josh's dad took one look at me and sent me to bed. I slept, and was woken to eat sick-foods like soup and toast and eggs. Laurie woke me up one time and pulled me into the bathroom to take a bath. It smelled like lavender. When I got back to bed somebody had changed the sheets, and I sat on the floor while Laurie brushed out my hair. Seriously nothing makes me feel more taken care of then when she does that.

After sleeping for four days straight I feel much better. I'm home now and going back to life tomorrow. This afternoon Laurie took me to get my hair cut; she said I needed to, very badly. That sounds mean, but it didn't come across that way - it came across as ... like ... "let's send you home not just healthy, but even better than before you got sick." I have layers near the bottom now.

When I got home, Danielle told me they ate out a lot, and had a lot of takeout. That explains why the kitchen was so clean.


Anonymous said...

I've never commented before - but I just can't hold back. Josh's parents sound like they really do love you. I know at times you have your guard up - I hope that one day your wall will come down and you can have someone take care of you for a change. Good luck Sam! I have been rooting for you since I found this blog a few months ago.

Isabel said...

I'm glad to hear that your trip to "the Americas" was as beneficial as you could have hoped it would be. Josh's parents really do love you a lot. I know the money thing will always be a stumbling block in your understanding of them, but love is a universal thing. I'm so glad that they're there for you.

Nina said...

So sorry you were sick, but how wonderful that Josh's parents were able to take care of you. Good move on Josh's part too. :)

I'm glad you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better now. You needed the nurturing. How nice that Josh's parents were there for you.

Anonymous said...

Glad you were well taken care of. You should just tell Josh that his mom would likely be willing to take your sisters to the gynecologist for him :)

Anonymous said...

The luxury of the lavender bath, the clean sheets, and the hair brushing!

Sounds to me like Laurie not only loves you, but enjoys you, too. Soak it in. You could use some pampering.
Yankee T.